Pacific Rangers Council

Veterinary: Healing and Curing

Not only is Veterinary a lot more cost effective than healing your pets with magery, it also has one advantage that is well worth grandmastering this skill: from 100.0 on up, you will never fail a bandage when healing or curing a pet, even at the highest possible level of poison inflicted (5, "lethal").

Bandages applied to heal a pet require 2 seconds to finish, regardless of a player's dexterity.

The chance to succeed when healing damage done to a pet:
(100 * (veterinary * 10 - 400) / 100 + 500) / 10
The chance to succeed when curing a pet (providing you have 60+ vet/lore):
(100 * (veterinary * 10 - (550 + (poison level - 1) * 50)) / 50 + 500) / 10
The chance to succeed when resurrecting a pet (providing you have 80+ vet/lore):
(100 * (veterinary * 10 - 930) / 50 + 500) / 10
The formula to determine the amount healed is:
Min_Healed = (lore / 5) + (vet / 5) + 3
Max_Healed = (lore / 5) + (vet / 2) + 10
Amount Healed = random (Min_Healed, Max_Healed) + (pet's max HP / 100)

This calculator will help you to determine your range of hitpoints healed per bandage: enter the desired skill values below, then click "Calculate".

Veterinary Calculator


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Last update: Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 11:14 pm