Pacific Rangers Council

Veterinary: Introduction

The following rules apply for the Veterinary skill:
  • Veterinary works on all tamed creatures.
  • The Healing skill does not work on pets. As soon as a bandage is applied to a pet, the Veterinary skill is triggered.
  • The amount of hitpoints healed is not a percentage but a range determined by your skill levels of the Veterinary Skill and Animal Lore. The formula used for the range of hitpoints healed is the same for Veterinary and Healing.
  • You need a minimum of 60 skill points in both Animal Lore and Veterinary to be able to cure poison and a minimum of 80 skill points in both Animal Lore and Veterinary to be able to resurrect a pet
  • While applying a bandage to a poisoned pet, Veterinary will always cure the poison first. In order to heal damage you have to apply another bandage. You can not heal a pet before it is cured.
  • The complementary skill for Veterinary is Animal Lore, like Anatomy for Healing.
  • The amount of hitpoints healed per bandage does not matter for gaining skill. You will do just as fine healing goats, polar bears, bulls, grizzly bears, as you will healing drakes, dragons or nightmares, even at higher levels.
  • Curing or resurrecting pets does not give you any better gain than just healing damage.
  • Even though the Veterinary skill is supposedly not movement-based, gains usually are a lot better while moving than while staying in one single spot.
  • Only bonded pets can be resurrected.
  • The professional title for Veterinary is Veterinarian.

In this section you will find details on the capabilities of the Veterinary skill, how to train it up to your desired level and a calculator to determine the range of hitpoints healed at your level of Animal Lore and Veterinary.


   Website created and maintained by Mordanna, © 1999-2005.

Last update: Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 11:14 pm