Pacific Rangers Council

Animal Taming: Taming & Retaming

While it takes a certain minimum skill requirement to tame a freshly spawned creature, a previously tamed one will always be able to be retamed by its previous owner(s) at 0 difficulty with a 100% chance of success.

The minimum skill requirement to retame a previously tamed creature only increases by 6.0 points each time it is retamed by a new owner. Multiple owners do not affect control ability or orneriness anymore since publish 16 was implemented.

  • fresh spawn: original minimum (adjusted) skill
  • tamed for the 2nd time: minimum skill + 6.0
  • tamed for the 3rd time: minimum skill + 12.0
  • tamed for the 4th time: minimum skill + 18.0
  • tamed for the 5th time: minimum skill + 24.0


timber wolf grizzly bear white wyrm fire steed
fresh spawn 23.1 59.1 96.3 106.0
1x pretamed 29.1 65.1 102.3 112.0
2x pretamed 35.1 71.1 108.3 118.0
3x pretamed 41.1 77.1 114.3 over 120.0
4x pretamed 47.1 83.1 over 120.0 over 120.0

This can be an anvantage when people of different skill levels team up in order to train their skill but can make things difficult for the lone Tamer with low skill who is looking for freshly spawned creatures of a particular minimum taming requirement.


   Website created and maintained by Mordanna, © 1999-2005.

Last update: Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 11:14 pm